1 episode had 911% more downloads than any others! Top 10% creator, shared, and followed! 97% of listeners were new this year!
Checkout my 2022 Spotify stats for the podcast - and all the reactions and reasonings for why I think they happened.
I find this stuff super interesting to see for others podcasts. It's cool to see everyone winning! Hope you enjoy peeking behind the curtain of the podcast and seeing all the statistics today - and if you're one of those 45 top listeners please message me on IG haha.
This podcast is about starting your next side hustle - and this is giving you the ideas + the how. Maybe some inspiration and entertainment too. So hopefully it did that today 🙏🏽 Enjoy the listen and have a good day!
(Audio only)
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Want to support me and the show? Get yourself a dope A2 print with the reminder that "Everything Starts Somewhere" right here: https://ellenave.com/collections/everything-starts-somewhere-prints (worldwide shipping)
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